Safety Laminate/Window Security Film


Hundreds of businesses in the Tri State Area are now protecting themselves with Clear Safety Defense, our new invisible safety laminate film that helps to deter an intruder from entering your building through windows or glass doors. The glass can be a vulnerable entry point into the building, and replacing the windows with fortified glass can be very costly. Let Clear Safety Defense install a safety laminate film onto your existing windows, making them virtually unbreakable. We use the finest manufacturing products and use our own expert installers on all of your windows.  Our film comes in a variety of thickness, tint, tensile and breakage strength- some holding up to 450 pounds per square inch!  Please see our Product Specifications tab for exact specifications on our SafetyShield laminate film.

 How is Clear Safety Defense installed and how does it protect my glass?

Our expert installers will clean your window with soapy water, ensuring a clean dust free surface. We then carefully measure your glass, and cut the safety laminate film into one seamless piece, to apply to any window or glass door. The film is usually applied on the INSIDE of your glass, but can be applied on both the inside AND the outside glass for maximum protection.

To deliver the most comprehensive security possible, our customers then have the option to install one of our four anchoring systems on their windows and doors.  These systems use flexible membranes attached to both the laminated glass and the window frame, serving to hold them both in place in the event of an explosion or attempted security breach. 

As an attachment system, the sole aim of the anchoring system is to prevent the laminated glass from leaving the window frame, helping mitigate against injury or damage inside the building. It works by absorbing the additional energy that the glass is subjected to and redistributing it across the opening.

The attachment system is installed a few weeks after the safety laminate is completely cured and dry.

Here are the four anchoring systems we use with our SafetyShield laminate film:

  1. LifeLine Anchoring System: Energy absorbing cords slow down and catch the glass, returning it to the direction from where it came. Used generally in factory or manufacturing glass.
  1. GullWing Anchoring System: A flexible membrane adhered to the glass and the frame that absorbs and disburses energy when glass is subject to trauma.
  1. Wet Glaze Anchoring System: Using a triangular sealant joint to connect the glass to the supporting frame. This also includes a high performance sealant adhesive.
  1. FrameGard Anchoring System: A mechanical attachment that clamps the laminated glass to the window frame, allowing the film to stretch if faced with trauma.

Please see our Product Specifications Tab (Under Our Services) for additional details on anchoring systems and specific information on our SafetyShield laminate film.

Our complimentary Safety Check will include options for safety laminate film as well as anchoring systems for maximum security and protection for your glass.


Clear Safety Defense is Police and Military Approved, and has secured the following high profile buildings in the Tri State Area:

  • Fort Dix/McGuire Joint Air Force Base
  • Salem Nuclear Power Plant
  • GSA/ICE Building in Mt. Laurel NJ

Storms, chemical explosions, bomb blasts, theft and vandalism are all risks that Clear Safety Defense can help to mitigate. We can dramatically improve security for your home or office building.

While we can’t prevent crime or natural disasters from taking place, we can affect the outcome of these terrible events. When windows shatter, shards of glass and debris can cause danger and severe damage. We can reduce the risk of glass breakage, keeping your home, retail store or office safe and secure.

Our safety laminate film can protect your existing windows and glass doors from:

  • Break-Inshurricane-glass
  • Explosions
  • Hurricanes and weather related storms

Windows have always been the quickest way to gain access to your home or building. If a thief is going through a smashed window, it’s usually because time is something they don’t have much of. Once punctured, the protected glass will break but not shatter, preventing the thief from entering- and leaving them wondering what to do next…

During storms when high winds enter a building, they can collapse it from the inside. By preventing the glass from shattering, Clear Safety Defense not only prevents potential physical harm, but also keeps winds from getting inside and doing serious structural damage. Our security shield holds glass together under the most extreme conditions, minimizing injury to those nearby.